A break down of various skills I have obtained over the years, including softwares I have learned and soft skills I have gained.
Unreal Engine 4
5 years experience
I have used UE4 for all college and university projects. I am able to program effectively in Blueprints and have assisted with programming core mechanics in group projects.
Microsoft Office
5 years experience
I have experience using Word, Powerpoint, Publisher and Excel.
Unity Engine
60 hours experience
I have experience of using Unity from taking two courses on Udemy. These taught me how to do basic programming in C# and how to use the engine effectively.
3 years experience
I have used 3DsMax to create enviroments for my 3D modelling modules at university. I have also used it to make enviroments and props for my games.
Substance Painter
2 years experience
I have used Painter to create textures for all my models in my 2nd and 3rd year of university. I have made use of tools such as baking mesh maps, painting details such as damage and rendering screenshots.
Magix Vegas
3 years experience
Have experience using Vegas to cut and create my gameplay videos. I have also used it to create memes, making use of different tools including chroma key and cropping.
5 years experience
I have experience using Photoshop for the creation of different content for different things. I have used it to make social media posts when I was on the committee of the Sci-Fi & Fantasy Society at university. I also used it to make posters for different events including the annual meme competiton I ran in my courses Discord server when I was a student mentor.
I am an effective team member. Friends and colleagues say that they enjoy working with me.
I can work alone or in a team. I am able to problem solve and find solutions.
I have good written and verbal communication skills. I am able to present my ideas clearly.
Time Managment
I am able to manage my time effectively and have met deadlines throughout my academic career.
University Game Jam project (5 person group, 36hrs)
Created for the 2021 Confetti Industry Week sustainability game jam, with the theme 'Clothes'. The idea was to create a 3D choose your own adventure game.
Design Decisions
This jam was a collaboration between Confetti and NTU sustainability, with the idea that we would create games or apps that helped inform people about sustainable practices. This was my first time making a game that had to be educational. We decided upon a game that had you make choices about a clothing factory. These choices would impact the environment and the people around it. Your choices can be impacted by talking to local people via a dialogue system.
We worked right to the end to finish the game, we did not manage to get all the mechanics we wanted in, such as not all characters have dialogue options. But we did make a game that people liked and thought was informative.
My Responsibilities
Game designer - Helped design mechanics and implemented them into level
Level designer - Helped create the main level
Programmer - Assisted in programming mechanics
Technical Abilities
This project was made in Unreal Engine 4, making use of the blueprint programming system. As we were all well-versed in blueprints this made the programming a lot smoother.